Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rose Ryan Update

2-weeks pre-baby 2. Can we handle it?

Here are some pre-baby photos of us. Only 2 weeks before they say they'll do another c-section. The date is set for July 28 unless she comes before. Hopefully she'll come before then. We're getting anxious. I'm feeling good except for every other night I don't sleep well, my back hurts, and I'm having contractions here and there. We've got everything ready, well there is always something that can be done.
I've added pics of Ryan here because this one of her namesakes. He is so sweet about it. He acts so honored; I'm glad about that. He has been one of those friends to me you can't describe. We're not alike except for we like each other.
Many people think we'll call her Rose Ryan. Neall, Sol, and I call her baby Rose. We'll just have to see what sticks.
I just can't wait to love another as much as I love my family now.

1 comment:

Emily said...

what a good looking group of people! becca--you are the prettiest pregnant lady ever! i can't wait to see pictures of baby rose and get to meet her in person too! definitely have to plan a get-together after she arrives and you get settled a little bit!