While I was driving home from Jonesboro I was pumping (so Sol would have enough milk for the next day) and I was thinking about the oddest places I've pumped and nursed.
Oddest pumping places:
*Hwy 64
*Hwy 1
*Nursing home bathroom
*SCO clinic, optical bathroom, ocular disease bathroom, contact lens bathroom
*Mall parking lot
*gas station, while getting gas
*Memphis private school bathroom on a tiny toilet during a school screening.
Oddest places I've nursed Sol
*Happy Mexican Resturant booth
*Target women's clothes department
*Memphis East High School library in a back room with piles of dust and trash surrounding us
*Mall parking lot
*Bath tub- only once, I wondered what he thought about having his two favorite things at once- bathing and nursing
*Pairs and Spares classroom at church before his christening- (sunday school was over!)
I know there's more, so I'll have to add to this list later.